What Not to do During a Child Custody Dispute
No one wants to be involved in a child custody dispute, but if you have a difficult relationship with your child’s other parent, it can be tempting to resort to unsavory tactics to gain more parenting time. While many divorced or never-married parents dream of getting sole custody, it is rare in Illinois. Your desire to spend as much time as possible with your children is very understandable, but it is important to play by the rules. Here are some common tactics that you should avoid when you are involved in a child custody dispute.
How Not to Fight a Child Custody Battle
You would do anything for your children, but some tactics are likely to backfire on you. Even if your child’s other parent is attempting these strategies, it is generally best to let your attorney handle it. It is easy for a guardian ad litem, judge, or child custody evaluator to tell when a parent is trying a tactic like:
Coaching the child - “Coaching” a child means telling them what to say, either to the court or to the other parent. Some parents will train even very young children to say certain things that they think may sway a court. It is often very apparent to outside parties when a child has been coached. When a child is simply parroting what a parent has instructed them, they are often unable to provide consistent responses to other questions.
Making false abuse allegations - You may have seen it in a movie or TV show: One parent heads to the courthouse, dishonestly claims that the other parent has been violent or abusive toward the children, and walks out with a restraining order. In real life, this may work for about a week, but then a full hearing will be held. You will have to offer evidence of the abuse. It will not look good when the truth comes out.
Disparaging the child’s other parent - Your children are not therapists. They do not need to hear a list of complaints about their other parent. Listening to you say horrible things about their other parent - even if they are true - is not going to help the children in any way.
Your attorney can help you avoid other common mistakes and coach you on how to present yourself in an honest, positive light during a custody dispute.
Contact a Will County Child Custody Lawyer
The Foray Firm can guide you through your child custody dispute with knowledge and skill. Our experienced Joliet child custody attorneys will be there to help you every step of the way - especially when things get tough. Call 312-702-1293 to receive a free consultation.