Orland Park Orders of Protection Lawyer

Attorney for Obtaining and Enforcing Orders of Protection in Cook County
If you have been a victim of domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, it is critical for you to get away from the abuse and to find a safe place to stay. Once you and your children are safe, you may want to consider asking the court for an order of protection to prevent abusive behavior in the future. At The Foray Firm, we are committed to helping you take action to protect yourself and your children from domestic violence.
Counsel for Protective Orders in Will County
Founder and principal attorney Masah SamForay has been serving individuals and families of all types for more than a decade. She and her team realize that domestic violence is not limited to a certain race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or income level. Victims and perpetrators come from all walks of life. We also know that domestic violence can create serious long-term problems for victims, including physical injuries, of course, but also psychological and emotional damage. Our team can help you find public and private resources for victims, and we can assist you in obtaining orders of protection.
An order of protection is a directive issued by the court and enforced under the penalty of law. Protective orders are intended to stop domestic violence and abuse by restricting your abuser from contacting you or your children, keeping him or her away from your home, limiting his or her right to possess a gun, and more. If the abuser is your spouse or your child's other parent, an order of protection can even limit his or her rights regarding parental responsibilities and parenting time.
Types of Orders of Protection in Illinois
If you are facing an immediate danger from an abuser or potential abuser, you may be able to obtain an emergency order of protection. An emergency order can be issued upon a showing of the danger without letting the abuser know in advance and can last for up to 21 days. Before the emergency order expires, you will be scheduled for a hearing regarding a more permanent solution. If the hearing is delayed, an interim order of protection may be issued. Following the hearing, which gives both parties the chance to make their case, a plenary order of protection may be issued. Plenary protective orders can last for up to two years and may be renewed.
Helping the Falsely Accused
At The Foray Firm, we are also equipped to help you if you are the subject of an order of protection. We understand that having an order of protection filed against you can affect your parental rights and your relationship with your children, even if the allegations are exaggerated or completely false. It is not uncommon for such claims to be made during a contentious divorce by a spouse or parent looking to take advantage of the situation.
Contact Us Today
Get the help you need regarding orders of protection by contacting our office. Call 312-702-1293 for a confidential consultation at The Foray Firm today. We will help you explore your options and take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and that of your children. Our team serves clients in Joliet, Plainfield, Bolingbrook, Romeoville, Homewood, Markham, Will County, and DuPage County.