Taking the First Steps to Leave an Abusive Relationship
Domestic violence touches the lives of people from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and lifestyles. It can take many forms, including physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, financial control, and sexual abuse. Many people who are caught up in abusive relationships live lives filled with fear, anger, and confusion. They desperately wish to get out of the relationship, but they worry about the consequences of doing so.
If you are in an abusive relationship, know that you are not alone and that there is help available. It is important to remember that leaving an abusive partner can be dangerous, as abusers may become more violent when they feel threatened. With safety in mind, here are some tips for taking the first steps to leaving an abusive relationship.
Protecting Yourself When Leaving an Abusive Partner
Many people stay in abusive relationships for months, years, or even decades because they fear retaliation or simply do not know how to protect themselves when leaving the relationship. If you are ready to take back your life and leave a violent situation, consider the following:
Make a safety plan - Create a plan of action ahead of time to ensure that you are able to leave the relationship safely. This may include identifying safe places you can go if necessary, having an emergency bag packed and ready to go with important documents, money, and other essentials, and choosing trusted friends or family members who can help you if needed.
Secure finances - Make sure that you have access to financial resources when leaving the relationship, such as bank accounts in your name, a credit card, and an emergency fund. You may even consider talking to a lawyer prior to leaving the relationship in order to protect any assets or property that you may have.
Get an Emergency Order of Protection - Illinois courts can issue emergency orders of protection if you are at immediate risk of violence. An order of protection can protect you by keeping the abuser away from your home and work, ordering them to stop all contact with you, and barring them from possessing firearms or ammunition. An emergency order of protection may require the abuser to temporarily move out of your home, even if the home is in his or her name. This gives you the time you need to gather your belonging and move out. If the abuser violates the terms of the protective order by returning to the residence, calling you, showing up at your work, or engaging in threatening behavior, contact the police immediately. Violating an order of protection is a criminal offense punishable by immediate arrest and possibly even jail time.
Reach Out for Help - If you are considering leaving an abusive relationship, reach out to a domestic violence hotline or counselor for assistance and advice. They can provide you with the support and resources you need to protect yourself and make a safe escape.
Contact Our Will County Domestic Violence Lawyer
If you have been abused by a romantic partner, ex, spouse, roommate, or family member, do not wait to get the help you need. The skilled Joliet family law attorneys at The Foray Firm can help you get an order of protection so you can move on to a better future. Call 312-702-1293 to get started.