Five Tips For Creating Your First Parenting Plan in Illinois
Divorce can feel like a lose-lose proposition. No matter what you do, it is virtually impossible for both parents to get everything they want - especially when it comes to issues like parenting time and parental responsibilities.
But difficult compromises are an important part of every divorce because children need both parents whenever possible. Creating a parenting plan that meets the best interests of your children and accommodates you and your spouse’s schedules and needs can be very challenging but it is definitely doable. Finding a workable balance is important for a sustainable co-parenting arrangement, and with the help of an experienced family law attorney, you can do it too. Here are five tips to help.
Create a Parenting Schedule That Makes Sense
While it might be tempting to jockey for as much parenting time as possible, single parenting is difficult. Burned-out parents are not at their best, and children who spend most of their time with only one parent may see their relationship with their other parent suffer. Instead, consider your schedule and propose a realistic solution that meets your needs and your children’s best interests.
Communicate Carefully and Deliberately
Like many co-parenting issues, communication is most successful when parents are deliberate about how they talk to each other. Many experts recommend setting up a special email account that parents use exclusively for communication related to their children. Setting clear boundaries about when calls and texts are appropriate will help parents stay out of each other’s hair and minimize frustrations.
Plan for Major Decisions
When parents share decision-making responsibilities, they frequently need to make important choices together about their child’s present and future. Creating a plan for how you and your ex will approach these decisions will help you handle them with clarity. It is also wise to plan for emergencies so when they arise, you can act decisively without conflict.
Consider Your Child’s Finances
Child support is essential for giving children the quality of life they deserve. It is important to detail what child support payments will cover and how the money is spent. Co-parents can also agree that one parent will be responsible for covering certain expenses while sharing the cost of others. Consider not only your child’s present financial needs but their future needs as well - save for college or vocational training whenever possible because divorced parents can be held responsible for paying their adult child’s educational expenses.
Set Goals and Stick to Them
Adjusting to this new arrangement will likely be stressful and frustrating at first. However, keeping your eyes on your long-term goals can help you move through moments of difficulty and work cooperatively with your former spouse. Creating a parenting agreement is not easy or fast, but if you do it correctly from the beginning, it will pay off for many years to come.
Meet with a Cook County Parenting Plan Lawyer
Creating a parenting agreement for the first time can be intimidating, but the skilled Markham, IL parenting plan attorneys with The Foray Firm can help. We have experience helping many families create their first parenting plan and we are here to answer your questions and accommodate your needs. Call us today at 312-702-1293 to schedule your confidential consultation.